The weather people predicted 5-8" of snow for last night - which it may well have been just that - except I live in North Hero in the middle of Lake Champlain and when the wind blows (as it usually does) we either end up with no snow or we get the drifts. This time, we got the drift. There's at least 18" of new snow around the property, up to 2 feet in some places. The trail that Jake and I dug out from the porch to the barn is completely filled in (see my video from yesterday). Actually, the front porch is buried. The horses are standing in snow this morning that passes their knees. Me and the boys will be digging out today!
Brian will be by sometime, I'm sure. He's so cool. I don't have to call him - he just makes his rounds after each snow and plows as needed. We'll be staying home today until he comes by - we're officially snowed-in.
There's snow in the forecast for the next seven days straight. But I'm not complaining. Vermont has a reputation for having cold, snowy winters and it's living up to it's rep. I knew what I was getting into when I decided to move here. Like the locals say: summer in Vermont totally makes up for the winters!
I am so happy for your dream!!! I remember when I first met you (29 or 30 years ago!!!) You had your bedroom covered in your 'horse' stuff. I remember tons of ribbons, pictures, etc. I think you're amazing!!!!