People keep telling that I've had quite a first winter in Vermont - most people say they haven't seen this much snow and low temps in years. February, after today, may end up being the snowiest February on record. I'm just glad I've experienced the harder side for my first season. If this is as bad as it gets (on average) then I can handle it. It's really not that bad.
I took this picture this morning right before I let the horses out of their stalls. They are usually very anxious to get out to the hay roll. Laney greets me with a whinny and Zazu just throws her head around in anticipation.
I didn't blanket the horses last night and I'm beginning to wonder if it really does anything for them. Certainly they can handle the cold - they are animals, after all - 2000 pound animals with lots of muscle and fat. Surely they have natural coping attributes. I'm thinking that blanketing a horse doesn't really do anything but make us humans feel better.
Rain in the forecast for tomorrow - which means more melting. Glad the sump pump is working!
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