Our little black dog, Pauley, decided to play with the skunk that had wandered into the horse pasture. I yelled and yelled for Pauley to come to me, but she ignored me. I didn't dare get any closer to her and her new "friend" for fear of being sprayed. As Pauley continued to run in circles around the skunk, the more pissed the skunk became. When it started to advance on Pauley, I ran a little closer and the skunk started to advance on me - I could actually see his teeth. I yelled for Jake, who came outside and saw what was happening, and he ran back inside to get his gun. I finally got Pauley to come to me. Less than a minute later, Jake put a .22 into the skunk's head. Bye-bye Mr. Skunk! It all happened very fast, but I'm happy that Jake reacted as quickly as he did. An aggressive skunk out during the day are signs of abnormal behavior. It may have had rabies.
So far, I have seen the following wildlife on my property: deer, turkeys, muskrats, skunks, snakes and coyote tracks. I saw a moose once as I was driving to work, but I don't think there are any moose on the islands.
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