Coming up is a three-day weekend and it's gonna be warm ... this means it's time to do some spring cleaning. We'll start with the animals. The horses are filthy from rolling in the mud and the dogs smell like horse poop. The water trough and grain buckets need a good scrubbing and two of the stalls need some serious attention - the rubber mats need to be pulled out and cleaned and the poop scraped off the floor. The halters and leads need to be put into the washer. My neighbor, Yves, will hopefully be able to come over with his tractor and clean up the paddock - it's been too wet to do anything in the paddock or the pasture. I'm hopeful that the rain will stay away long enough to get the poop out of the paddock. It's getting pretty stinky out there.
Oh, I guess I should probably clean the house a little, too. But it's so much more fun to work outside!
Right there with you. Something about the barn is so peaceful.