Friday, May 27, 2011


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time for Some Spring Cleaning

Coming up is a three-day weekend and it's gonna be warm ... this means it's time to do some spring cleaning. We'll start with the animals. The horses are filthy from rolling in the mud and the dogs smell like horse poop. The water trough and grain buckets need a good scrubbing and two of the stalls need some serious attention - the rubber mats need to be pulled out and cleaned and the poop scraped off the floor. The halters and leads need to be put into the washer. My neighbor, Yves, will hopefully be able to come over with his tractor and clean up the paddock - it's been too wet to do anything in the paddock or the pasture. I'm hopeful that the rain will stay away long enough to get the poop out of the paddock. It's getting pretty stinky out there.

Oh, I guess I should probably clean the house a little, too. But it's so much more fun to work outside!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My World Is Green Again

Lake Champlain hit record levels a few weeks ago, and is still passed flood stage. Route 2 off the Islands was very near impassable - the kids were sent home from school early one Thursday and all of us stayed home on Friday. The water across the road was just too high to pass through with my little car. One more reason I need a truck... The lake levels have calmed a bit but there are still many houses that are no longer lake front properties - they are in the lake. So, while the Mississippi was spilling over down south, Vermont had it's own state of emergency that wasn't reported on the news. I never see Vermont in the national news. Isn't that interesting? It's like we don't exist up here!

We had quite a thunderstorm on Friday evening. I was doing some work in barn while Kaiya was playing with her chickens when the booming started. Lots of lightening and incredible downpours. The garage flooded - again. The pump isn't working - I think it's been overwhelmed :)

It's 8am, the temp is 59, the sun is shining and there's a nice breeze. Brian, my mechanic with the awesome Island accent, is suppose to be by today to look at the tractor mower. Hopefully, it's an easy cheap fix because the lawn is getting out of control. I'm thinking about just letting the horses out into the back yard!