Our world is incredibly green and surprisingly dry. We've had the horses out a few times but they've become quite lazy after the long cold winter and annoyingly "buddy sour". Gotta break that soon. The picture to the left is Jake riding Laney. He's very confident on a horse considering his limited experience. He's a natural, for sure. Laney is not an easy horse.
The "Chick Chicks" are getting so big! They follow us around the yard. They come when we call "chick! chick!" I found one of them roosting on Laney's back the other night. Picture this: Laney walking around the paddock with a chicken on her back. It was quite funny.
Last week the boys' bus driver, Duffy, decided to make an unscheduled stop at Kim's Snack Bar on Grande Isle. While the kids were getting their snack, Duffy passed out and started to seize. Jake called me, I told him to call 911 and find help. He handled the situation very well. Duffy died in surgery that night. The kids and I went to the funeral - I figured it was the least I could do to show respect for the man who had the lives of my boys in his hands every day. It was an emotional experience and we all cried. All the school kids called Duffy the best bus driver ever. RIP Duffy.
After the funeral, I had to ask myself: what will people say about me at my funeral? Am I living or doing anything noteworthy? Will I be missed like Duffy is? Am I good person that people will have nice things to say about?
I don't know...