Every spring, the birds find a place to lay their eggs and continue the circle of life. This winter was very quiet with all the birds gone to warmer regions. It seemed like from one day to the next, the birds were back in full force, singing their beautiful spring songs. As I woke up this morning right before dawn, the bird songs was the first thing I noticed.
I found this birdhouse stuck in a tree, broken at the bottom. I found some wood glue, secured the bottom to the base, attached an eye hook to the top and filled the bottom with bird seed. Just a few days later I saw a little song bird poke her head out of the hole. A little gray and blue momma found her place, making a spring home out of an old birdhouse that I brought back to life. I can relate to her. Sometimes we just have to pick up the pieces of discard and make the best of it.
Sunday morning I had to take my oldest son into Burlington for a Rugby clinic, so we got up early and headed out the door. As I called the dogs in from their morning pee, I noticed Pauley dragging something from the woods into the backyard. I thought it was tree branch and dismissed it. When I got home that afternoon, I noticed the "item" that she had dragged into the yard laying just beyond the back porch. Hmmm. That wasn't a tree branch...seems the dog found the ultimate doggy snack out in the woods. It was the hind leg of a deer! Jake and I put our mud boots on and set out on a quest to find the owner of the leg. We found it. There wasn't much left of it and who knows how long it has been out there. All I could say was "ewww!"
Today's weather was interesting. Within an eight hour period, we went from sun to clouds, to snow to sun. A friend of mind told me, "If you don't like the weather in Vermont, just wait a minute - it'll change." I thought he was exaggerating...